Frequently Asked Questions
This page is updated periodically to reflect recent questions and answers.
Last updated: October 27th, 2024
How will registration work?
To register, please navigate to the form found under the “Registration” tab at the top of the page. The form will be available when early registration opens in mid-October. Once you have completed the registration form, you will receive an email confirmation with payment information and be invoiced by our Finance Director. After you complete payment, you will be eligible to receive committee assignments.
Will students need to miss class for the conference?
In an effort to try and accommodate as many students' schedules (including our university staffers) as possible, committee meetings on Thursday and Friday occur in the evenings. Saturday will be a full day of committee and Sunday will wrap up committees and hold closing ceremonies (which are highly encouraged but awards can also be mailed out)
How/who should I contact if I need help?
For Committee specific questions, delegates are welcome to email their chairs, but please CC advisors on all communication. For questions more focused on the logistics of the conference, please contact Secretariat, whose emails can be found on the “Meet the Secretariat” Page.
Where will the conference be held?
Committee sessions will be held on the George Washington University campus in various buildings. Detailed locations of the committees will be provided closer to the conference, as well as in the Conference Handbook. Any changes to the locations will be communicated by the Secretariat to Advisors.
Can I register as an individual delegate?
Yes, any student currently enrolled in High School may register for WAMUNC by filling out the Registration Form. For questions about delegation, please indicate “independent”; for questions about Advisor, please provide the information of your legal guardian.
Do I still have to write a position paper?
No. Students are not required to write a position paper for WAMUNC. However, should advisors wish for their delegates to do so, the position paper should be in 12pt Times New Roman and 1 page single-spaced per topic (there are a few committees that have two topics and two papers are needed for these). They should be emailed to the chair of the committee whose email is on the background guide as well as on the Background Guide section of our website. If the Chair cannot be found, delegates may email their background guide to the appropriate USG whose email can be found on our “Meet the Secretariat” page. should be cc-ed to these emails. The title and subject name should be “Committeename_lastname_nameofhighschool"
Where should I park once I get to GW?
Information surrounding visitor parking can be found here.
What about lodging?
Since WAMUNC is hosted on the George Washington University campus, the conference does not provide lodging accommodations in the form of hotel rooms. In the case of a hotel partnership, that will be communicated out to advisors and listed on our website. We have a list of recommended hotels based on walking distance to George Washington University as a resource to start.
If you have any other questions, please email